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SUNDAY 28 / 06
17:30 - Musicality workshop
The Cachivache Quintet is currently one of the most popular tango groups from Buenos Aires and is widely recognized on the world music circuit. Sometimes called 'Tango Punk' ', the group is characterized by its undeniably creative, original, and very danceable style. Their videos are some of the most famous and most seen tango-videos and with this they have imprinted themselves in tango-history.
The musicality workshop from El Cachivache was a great success last year - it’s a true Cachivache special worth checking out, you will be experiencing, feeling and laughing a lot!
No partner needed
SATURDAY 27 / 06
13:00 - The secrets of the embrace and the walking
(All levels)
14:30 - Milonga - Funny steps
16:00 - Maestros' favourite combinations
(Advanced 4+ years)
SUNDAY 28 / 06
13:00 - Main structure of Giros with sacadas + In depth follower technique for Giro's
(Intermediate 2 -4 years)
14:30 - Vals - Circular movements in the dancing direction
16:00 - Extraordinary
moves in Giro
(Advanced 4+ years)
SATURDAY 27 / 06
13:00 - The secrets of the embrace and the walking
(All levels)
14:30 - Milonga - Exploring traspie in crossed system figures
16:00 - Maestros’ favorite combinations
(Advanced 4+ years)
SUNDAY 28 / 06
13:00 - Sacadas and back crosses - creating dynamic closings and endings for the musical phrases
(Intermediate 2- 4 years)
14:30 - Vals - Turning on the spot with interesting variations and rebounds
16:00 - All Giro secrets; working dynamics, energy, frame and fluency
(Advanced 4+ years)
SATURDAY 27 / 06
13:00 - Close embrace, Creating space without breaking the embrace
14:30 - Tango 360, Concept of creativity
16:00 - Maestros’ favorite combinations
(Advanced 4+ years)
SUNDAY 28 / 06
13:00 - Dynamics and connection. Control of Smooth movements
(Advanced ++)
14:30 - Complex enrosques (Advanced ++)
16:00 - Developing from Pista to Stage
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